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Live Scores - updated daily
UPDATED ON: 6th March, 8:55 a.m.
Sudnay, 6th March
11am to 2pm last chance to qualify
2pm to 3pm presenttion of trophies for the best qualifier, the best Rookie and the best juniors
3pm till late - FINAL
Even if you won't get in the top 24 you may still have chance to play in the final. We will go down the ranking to fill in spots of those who qualified but are unable to participate in this final. We may need to go up to 5 places down the list!
Anyone can join in, all skill levels, all ages, just come along any day from Monday, FEB 29 to Sunday MAR 6. There are also prizes for the best "under 10 and under 15 year old, best rookie and an iPad Mini for the best female player and the highest qualifier. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO!
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